Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Sponsorship Training Benchmarks -  Our Secret Tip!

Some of you might have read our previous blog on Sponsorship Training Benchmarks and what options exist for Australian businesses when looking to apply to sponsor overseas workers in certain visas.

Accordingly, we thought we would further clarify a little known 'loophole' that can save Australian businesses thousands when trying to satisfy the training requirements.

The video below explains our approach and No.1 tip which has saved our clients thousands of dollars in training expenditure.
We hope this quick yet effective video has helped your business and if you have questions relating to any aspects of a Sponsored Visa then get in contact on 1300 MIGR8TE (644 788) or send your questions to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au, and as always, we hope you learnt something valuable by visiting.

Also, click here for more great blogs by our Immigration Lawyers.

Otherwise you can find us at the following address:

Salvo Migration
320 Adelaide St
Brisbane QLD 4000

Originally Published here: Sponsorship Training Benchmarks -  Our Secret Tip!

Sponsor Training Benchmarks - Secret Strategy - Call Salvo Migration on 1300 644 788

Watch on YouTube here: Sponsor Training Benchmarks - Secret Strategy - Call Salvo Migration on 1300 644 788
Via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIITB71PWfZQtVqfS_XKHlg

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Legal Clarification - Student Guardian Visa Holders Looking to Travel

If you are on a Student Guardian visa, then there are certain visa conditions which prevent you from leaving Australia without the nominating student (your child) unless certain criteria is satisfied.

Importantly, before a Student Guardian visa holder can depart Australia without their student/child, they must provide the Department of Immigration and Border Protection with a Form 157N and evidence that 
there are compelling reasons to allow their departure as well as evidence that arrangements have been made for the safety and well-being of their child.

Accordingly, your welfare arrangements must be approved by both the DIBP and the child's education provider. 

Examples of situations in which the DIBP may approve your alternative arrangements include:

  1. When you nominate an alternative student guardian who must be, except in limited circumstances, a parent or relative aged 21 years or over. Form 157N Nomination of a student guardian will outline what documentation you need to provide when nominating a student guardian. Send this form, the education provider’s approval (in a letter or email) and the required documentation to us before you leave Australia.
  2. The student’s education provider can take responsibility for their welfare by issuing a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) letter which will state the start and end dates for approval of welfare arrangements.

Story original published here.

If you require the representation of a Immigration Lawyer in Brisbane today, then give us a call on 1300 644 788 or send your questions to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au and have found us helpful by visiting our website.

Click here for more great blogs by our Immigration Lawyers.

Originally Published here: Legal Clarification - Student Guardian Visa Holders Looking to Travel

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Salvo Migration - Where To Find Us

If you are looking for an Immigration Lawyer in Brisbane, then look no further than Salvo Migration. We are experts in all areas of migration law and can help you secure your migration goal to Australia.

For more information, have a look at our FREE Visa Turotial Videos here.

Otherwise, click on the map below to find our location, or you can give us a call on 1300 644 788 - we look forward to seeing you!

Originally Published here: Salvo Migration - Where To Find Us

Salvo Migration Diagrams - Download for FREE!

Ever thought to yourself, 'Salvo Migration have some great visa diagrams!', well we have now made them available for you to view or download, for FREE!

To view or download have a look at this link (https://goo.gl/photos/qNYChPCft8WPjM976) and feel free to share to your hearts content.

Remember, if you are looking for an Immigration Lawyer, don't forget to get in contact with us. We are located in the Brisbane CBD just a stones throw away from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

You can find and contact our Immigration Lawyers in Brisbane here:

Salvo Migration
320 Adelaide St
QLD 400 Australia
1300 644 788

Originally Published here: Salvo Migration Diagrams - Download for FREE!

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Immigration News - 'Backpacker Tax' Delayed!


StoryA collective sigh of relief was breathed by thousands of Working Holiday visa holders when it was announced this week that the implementation of the controversial 'backpacker tax' will be delayed for 6 months pending a review by the Australian Government. 

As it currently stands, Working Holiday visa holders are not required to pay tax for their dollars earnt while working in the country. However, it was previously announced that from 1 July 2016 all Working Holiday visa holders would be considered residents for tax purposes and be forced to pay 32.5c for every dollar earnt in Australia. This eventually lead to strong lobbying by the tourism and farming sectors, who rely heavily on seasonal work of working holiday makers to address labor and skills shortages in remote locations across Australia.

It was argued that the imposition of the tax scheme would cause potential applicants to choose other destinations, such as New Zealand and Canada over Australia. Interestingly, since the tax scheme was announced, Working Holiday applications dropped by 5%. 

Until a decision is reached on taxation of Working Holiday makers, they will continue to live in limbo unsure if their wallets will be considerably lighter come the new year. In the meantime,  Working Holiday visa holders are encouraged to watch our video on Common Pathways to Permanent Residency available here to find out more information on alternative visa options.

If you are on a Working Holiday visa require the assistance of a Migration Agent in Brisbane today, then get in contact on 1300 MIGR8TE (644 788) or email your questions to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au and thank you for visiting Salvo Migration.

Story Originally Published here.

Originally Published here: Immigration News - 'Backpacker Tax' Delayed!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Changes to SOL and COL List's - This Could Impact You!

New skilled occupation lists have been announced which will come into effect from the 1 July 2016 and will apply to all Skilled and Sponsored visa applications from 1 July 2016 on-wards. Please see below for a key summary of the important changes to both the SOL and CSOL:

Occupations moved from SOL to CSOL
  • 233611  Mining Engineers (excluding Petroleum) 
  • 233612  Petroleum Engineers
  • 234912  Metallurgists 
  • 251311  Environmental Health Officers
  • 251312  Occupational Health & Safety Advisers 
  • 411211  Dental Hygienists 
  • 411212  Dental Prosthetists
  • 411213  Dental Technicians 
  • 411213  Dental Therapists 
Occupations added to the SOL
  • 251912  Orthotist or Prosthetist
  • 25 2711  Audiologists
The new lists can be found here.

Please note, the new lists only affect applications submitted after 1 July 2016, so any pending visa applications for occupations listed above will not be impacted.

If you require the representation of a Immigration Lawyer in Brisbane today, then give us a call on 1300 MIGR8TE (644 788) or send your enquiry to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au and thank you for visiting Salvo Migration

Originally Published here: Changes to SOL and COL List's - This Could Impact You!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Salvo Migration Video Playlist for Australian Migration

Some of you may have already seen our educational Visa Tutorial Videos on your YouTube Channel and we hope they have gone a long way to better teaching viewers about the different types of visas and pathways to stay permanently in Australia. However, viewers may also benefit from having a look at our YouTube Playlist which not only contains our industry leading Salvo Migration videos, but other useful and informative videos about Australian Migration, Tourism and this great country! Some of the Channels featured in our Playlist include:

- Border TV (The Department of Immigration and Border Protection)
- Australia (The Australian Tourism Channel)
Travel Daily (Australia's premier daily travel newsletter)

Importantly, we will continue to scour the depths of the internet to find other great video content and update our Playlist as often as possible, so make sure you check in regularly. If you have any suggestions about videos that should also be added to our Playlist feel free to let us know by commenting directly on our YouTube channel here

Otherwise, if you require assistance of an Migration Lawyer in Brisbane today, give us a call on 1300 MIGR8TE (644 788) or send your questions to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au and we hope you learnt something valuable by visiting Salvo Migration

Originally Published here: Salvo Migration Video Playlist for Australian Migration

Monday, 2 May 2016

Labor Moves to Cancel Visas for Off-Shore Gas Workers

This latest migration news is provided to you by our Immigration Lawyers in Brisbane.

The Australian Labor party is in the process of introducing a motion into Parliament which will disallow off-shore based oil and gas drilling rigs from continuing to sponsor workers on Subclass 400 and 457 visas. 

It is reported that this comes as a result of the Maritime Union of Australia pursues a High Court challenge against the implementation of the government’s visa arrangements in the offshore oil and gas sector, including a ministerial exemption of vessels from Australia’s mig­ration zone.

It is feared that such a plan could cause severe disruption to the operation of these drilling sites which currently represents in excess of $200 billion worth of on-going projects. 

For more information see the original article here.

If you require assistance of an Immigration Lawyer in Brisbane today, give us a call on 1300 MIGR8TE (644 788) or send your questions to enquiry@salvomigration.com.au and we hope you learnt something valuable by visiting Salvo Migration

Originally Published here: Labor Moves to Cancel Visas for Off-Shore Gas Workers